Crime Prevention Tips

There have been a few house break-ins and a car theft reported in recent days. Please lock up, park-smart and report any suspicious activity to the Gardai in Blackrock at 01 666 5200

Application Decision: 88, Trees Road Upper (D18A/0793)

Application Date: 16-Aug-2018 Planning Application Ref: D18A/0793 Registration Date: 16-Aug-2018 Decision Date: 21-Aug-2018 Application Type: Permission Main Location: 88, Trees Road Upper, Mount Merrion, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Full Description: Permission is sought. The development will consist of (i) Demolition of existing two-storey detached residential dwelling; (ii) construction of 4 no. two storey, four bedroom semi-detached dwellings with single storey element to rear and 1 no. rooflight on front elevation; (iii) construction of two storey apartment block comprising 2 no. duplex three bedroom apartments (with 5 no. rooflights on front elevation) over 1 no. single storey three bedroom apartment situated...

Cherrygarth Kids Cake Sale for Focus Ireland

The children of Cherrygarth held a cake sale on Sunday August 19th raising €200 for Focus Ireland. Well done to all the young people involved for organising such a very successful, thoughtful and caring fundraiser. Congratulations to all from...