Garda Alert: Targeting the Elderly
Please be aware of scams in the area. Do not pay money at the door for unwanted services. Contact Gardai if suspicious. Phone: 01 666 5200 / 666 5600
Please be aware of scams in the area. Do not pay money at the door for unwanted services. Contact Gardai if suspicious. Phone: 01 666 5200 / 666 5600
Stillorgan is to receive significant investment as part of the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund. Funding of €1,337,500 will be for Public Realm Works as set out in the “Stillorgan Village Area Movement Framework Plan”. These works will include new pocket parks, redesign of roadspace, and the new Stillorgan Public Library.
Please be aware of scams in the area. Do not pay money at the door for unwanted services. Contact Gardai if you see any suspicious activity at 01 666 5200
DLR CC has given notice of its intention to consider the making of a declaration that the slip road on The Rise be taken in charge and be declared as a public road (which includes footpaths).
The Slip road runs parallel to The Rise Mount Merrion starting at the junction of Chestnut Road and continues for 88.2M to its junction with The Close. The latest date for receipt of objections or representations is 4.00 p.m. on Friday, 21st December 2018.
A Public meeting of the Joint Policing Committee will take place on Tuesday 20th November, 7pm in the Talbot Hotel Stillorgan. This public meeting happens once year and is an opportunity for the public to raise issues and address questions on relevant matters to senior members of An Garda Siochána and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. All welcome.