Compliance with Conditions: Site of c.1.12ha at Oatlands Monastery (D16A/0465/C5)
The consultation period for this application has expired. Decision due date: 20 Jan 2022
The consultation period for this application has expired. Decision due date: 20 Jan 2022
Permission to remove the existing rear extension (969.8sq.m) and its replacement with a new single storey extension (84.7sq.m) with green roof and rooflight together with an external patio, a new projecting bay (3.2sq.m) at first floor with a balcony, modifications at roof level to create a south facing gable with window and new rooflight including an increase in the attic floor level (3.87sq.m), the replacement of the east facing window to the main bedroom including site works, drainage and works to the existing building to faciliate the works.
Final date for third party observations/ submissions: 06 Jan 2022
The consultation period for this application has expired. Decision due date: 13 Jan 2022.
This week + next week:
Rising Blockwork walls for houses near Cherrygarth and Excavation + Blinding + Fixing Steel Bars.
5-6 trucks per day.
08/12/2021 (date revised to 13/12/2021)
Large pour of concrete for basement of the apartment blocks which will start very early in the morning and placing + finishing of the concrete will carry on through the evening and into the night. (NB Once poured concrete must be finished before it becomes hard). The Contractor has applied to DLRCC for a special license for this concrete pour and it is likely to be granted.
MMRA has asked the Contractor to minimise all potential impacts on local residents particularly noise, vibration and lighting (which must be directed away from local dwellings).
MMRA Planning Committee
We hope you can join us for the Leaf Sweep and Verge Tidy this Saturday. MMRA-sponsored Panda Green Waste Skip Bags will be available in central locations for residents to deposit leaves swept up on the day.
If each resident could sweep the path and kerb outside their own home and place the leaves collected in the skip bag closest to their road.
Help with the grass verges and footpath area outside an elderly neighbours home, and communal areas such as the entrance to Deerpark, traffic islands and roundabouts would be much appreciated.