Mount Merrion Local Directory

Local Business is the Heartbeat of our Community.
Please play your part in supporting them by spending locally where possible. 



C & F Motors
All car repairs and servicing on all makes and models.
01 2888280
Mount Merrion Tyres
Tyre fitter and car servicing. Free collection and delivery.
01 288 0222
James Hennessy Motors
Supplier of quality new and used cars with over 35 years of motor trade experience.
01 278 4597
Deerpark Motor Company
Deerpark Motor Company has been supplying premium used cars in Mount Merrion since 1999. Our emphasis is to provide quality and value in the specialist and prestige market.
01 283 2040
Mount Merrion Cars
Quality used car dealership on the corner of Roebuck Road and Fosters Ave.



Listings in this Directory are free of charge to local businesses and businesses elsewhere owned by local residents. To include your business, send an email to