The Annual General Meeting of the Mount Merrion Residents Association will be held in Mount Merrion Community Centre in the Fitzwilliam Room on Tuesday 16th April 2024 at 8pm. Only fully paid up members of MMRA are invited to attend this meeting in order to review the affairs of the association. Doors open at 7.30pm to register for entry to the Fitzwilliam Room.
Subscriptions for 2024 may be paid on the night at the door to the official collector/ subscription coordinator.
It is important that members attend the AGM — members decide the policies to be pursued over the following 12 month period.
Officers, current members of the Executive Committee completing two years service and members co-opted to the Committee during 2023/4 to fill vacancies, may be re-elected. Also, fully paid up members, duly proposed and seconded, may apply for vacancies on the Exec Committee.
Members will have an opportunity to voice any opinions or concerns and to have your say as to the path the MMRA will take in the future.
I look forward to being with you all on the 16th April 2024.
Kate Canning
President MMRA.
The draft agenda for the annual general meeting can be read here.