
Planning is an issue that raises its head quite often.  By and large it is a very subjective issue.  If your neighbour submits a planning application to the County Council then you should examine it.  Do not depend on another neighbour or the MMRA to do that for you.  What concerns you personally may not interest other residents. It is advisable to meet with the applicant before they submit an application and iron out any concerns in advance. Unfortunately that is not always possible.  If some aspect of the application concern you then put your concerns in writing to the Planning Department in DLR CoCo. MMRA only becomes involved if the application involves material change to the streetscape, the environment, or material changes to properties covered and protected by DLR Council AR11.

MMRA also reviews requests from a group of residents but cannot become involved where there are conflicting concerns from local residents.

A number of guidelines and leaflets regarding making and commenting on a planning application are available from the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government here.

dlr Public Consultations 

For details of open and upcoming public consultations please see dlr Citizen Space Public Consultation Hub.  You can search by keyword, postcode interest.

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Public Consultation Network e-zine and website see