The Planning Sub-Committee of MMRA reviews and takes action on relevant planning matters that affects residents.
A number of planning decisions have been determined in recent weeks. A typical Planning Permission lapses after a period of five years from the date of Final Grant unless the approved development is substantially completed at that time.
- Flanagans Site and Union Café
Construction work (Planning Permission D15A/0121) on Flanagans site appears to have stopped again. Completion date is still unknown. The unfinished site continues to be an unacceptable blight in the area.
No work commenced on Union café site, Planning Permission (D21A/0202). No evidence of any submissions to DLRCoCo by the Applicant to seek the necessary compliance with many of the 8 conditions of the Planning permission. The current state of this site is also an
ongoing blight in the area. - Cherrygarth (Monastery Site, Oatlands)
Residential Development completed.
Road reinstatement complete, replacement of trees is almost complete, reinstatement of grass verges is on-going. - Thornhill House
Construction proceeding onsite on foot of three Planning Permissions: (D17A/0240, D20A/0432, D21A/0161).
Current date for completion of Phase 3 is July 2024. - 24, 26 and 28 Fosters Avenue
Two Planning permissions granted:- An Bord Pleanala ABP-308770-20 (D20A/0406) – for demolition
- An Bord Pleanala ABP-309931-21 (D20A/0670) – for 68 unitsDemolition and site clearance substantially completed.
The planning permission for the 68 units granted on 28/08/2023, is subject to 24 conditions (many with sub-sections). To date the Applicant has lodged submissions with DLRCoCo for compliance with 13 conditions (approval required prior to commencement of construction). To date 3 have been approved.
- Rear of 38 Greenfield Road
On 31/07/2023 An Bord Pleanala issued refusals for 2 Planning Applications (D22A/0427 and D22A/0430) each for a large dwelling in the rear garden of 38 Greenfield Road, citing “visually incongruous . . . negatively impact on the visual amenity and character of the area”.
The Applicants (Chalkhill Developments) lodged Planning Application D24A/0008 on 08/01/2024 for 3 large residential units on sites 44a, 44b and 44c (their designation) with a vehicular entrance onto North Avenue. 13 observations (including 1 from MMRA) were lodged by the due date of 12/02/2024. Decision awaited from DLRCoCo.
On 29/02/2024 DLRCoCo sought 6 items of Further Information from the Applicant. - Gaelscoil – DLRC0C0 Mount Anville Yard site
Gaelscoil Laighean, 5-year temporary structure, now operational on part of the above site serviced by new traffic lights-controlled junction at Mount Anville Road/Deerpark Road. It is understood that DLRCoCo propose that the development of the remainder of the site shall be
with affordable housing. - Gaelscoil – Mount Merrion Community Centre site
Planning Application (D22A/0730) has been withdrawn by Department of Education. - 44 and 44a Foster Avenue
On 11/09/2023, DLRCoCo sought 37 no. separate elements of further information from the applicant following 47 observations by locals (including MMRA) to the original Planning Application (D23A/0489). To date there has been no reply form the Applicants. - Scoil San Treasa – Replacement of existing temporary portacabins with 9 no permanent classrooms plus 1 no ASD and other.
Planning Application (D23A/0600) lodged on 18/09/2023 for replacement of 30-year-old porta-cabins and for a new ASD facility. Following receipt of further information, DLRCoCo granted Planning Permission subject to 11 conditions – many of which require the Applicant to seek and obtain approval from DLRCoCo prior to commencement of the works. MMRA will not lodge an appeal to An Bord Pleanala (due date 4 weeks from 22/02/2024) because the Planning Permission addresses local concerns in respect of access, ecology, environmental issues such as dust and requires formal liaison with the local community. - Tetrarch Development: Mount Anville (adjacent to Mount Merrion)
Tetrarch lodged Planning Application LRD23A/0615 on 28/09/2023 for 114 ‘build to rent’ housing units on convent lands at Mount Anville:- 14 no houses
- 100 apartments in 7 blocks: between 2 and 5 storeys high.
The proposed development is targeted for older persons.
DLRCoCo declared the application invalid on 03/10/2023 citing minor issues. To date no new Application has been lodged. - Open Green Space along North Avenue /Greenfield Road
MMRA, with the assistance of some local councillors continue to engage with DLRCoCo to pursue a bio-diversity park for the benefit of local residents. It would be helpful if residents would contact their local County Councillors and T D s to support this community initiative. - Planning Legislation
The Oireachtas Housing Committee has recently commenced its processing of the 700-page planning and Development Bill. To date, over 1000 amendments have been tabled. The process is unlikely to be completed in the short term, hence the existing legislation remains in place.
The key elements of the Bill include:
– amending Ministerial Guidelines to provide greater cohesion at national and regional level;
– amending lifespan and focus of Local Development Plans;
– requiring Local Area Plans to be more strategic;
– mandatory timelines for all consent processes;
– changes to the Judicial Review process;
– major re-structuring of An Bord Pleanala.
MMRA, in existence since 1935 has an active constitution and therefore expects to be qualified to participate in the new planning process. Subject to the final wording of the Bill, the front-end elements of planning process (period for observation, interaction with the Planning Authority, leave to appeal to the Appeal Body – ABP or other etc.) will remain much the same as existing, but rules regarding the taking of Judicial Reviews will become more onerous. - Planning Permissions
MMRA welcome the recent approach by the Planning Authority, DLRCoCO, to Planning Applications. In recent times DLRCoCo have:
(a) Applied criteria set out in the current County Development Plan
(b) Sought detailed further information that takes account of matters raised in Observations.
(c) Attach meaningful enforceable conditions such as Construction Management Plans, set out measurable limits for environmental impacts e.g. dust noise, etc., require active liaison with local residents. - Planning: Character of Mount Merrion
The MMRA would welcome active participation and feedback from local residents (including younger/recent) to ensure that the well-regarded ethos and amenity of Mount Merrion is protected/enhanced.