Dec 19, 2021 | County Plan DLRCC, Planning
The public consultation period has been extended to Monday 17th January, 2022.
This is to facilitate members of the public to view additional mapping associated with the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment contained in ‘Appendix B’.
As previously advised, the Draft Development Plan is approved by local councillors – not executive planners. Hence, residents should engage with their local councillors if they wish to raise particular issues.
Nov 15, 2021 | County Plan DLRCC, Planning
DLRCC has arranged for a 4 week public consultation period on the proposed amendments to its Draft Plan 2022-2028 between Thursday 11th November 2021 and Thursday 9th December 2021.
The Draft Plan is now available online which includes its interactive webmap. It is on display in County Hall Dun Laoghaire Monday-Friday from 10.00a.m. – 4.00p.m., and in its Dundrum Office Monday –Friday from 9.30a.m.-12.30p.m. and from 1.30p.m.- 4.30p.m.
Residents may make submissions/ observations in relation to the proposed amendments before 9th December 2021 – see “How do I make a submission/ observation” on DLRCC online website.
As previously advised, the Draft Development Plan is approved by local councillors – not executive planners. Hence, residents should engage with their local councillors if they wish to raise particular issues.
May 3, 2021 | County Plan DLRCC, DLR County Council, ENV Cycle Route, News, Planning, Planning Application Notice, Roads, Traffic
The planning status of current sites that may have significant impact in Mount Merrion and general planning matters controlled directly by DLRCC but affecting residents including the proposed Cycle Route through Mount Merrion and the DLRCC County Development Plan.
Mar 30, 2021 | County Plan DLRCC, Noticeboard, Planning
The County Development Plan guides future growth and development in the County. The Plan sets out the policy objectives and the overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the County over the plan period from 2022 to 2028. Submissions to dlr by 16th April.
Feb 20, 2021 | County Plan DLRCC, dlr Publication, Planning
You are welcome to attend an online zoom event, this Thursday 6-7pm, hosted by DLR Public Participation Network, where the County Heritage Officer, Deirdre Black, will discuss how you can share your ideas and help shape the new plan.
Jan 14, 2021 | County Plan DLRCC, dlr Publication, Planning
Observations may be made on the Draft Plan by Friday 16th April 2021.