Application: 48 Sycamore Road, Mount Merrion

, Co Dublin

Permission to alter, extend and carry out ancillary contingent works, to include

Permission to alter, extend and carry out ancillary contingent works, to include:

A. Alterations and extension of the existing flat roofed, two storey side extension, including replacing the flat roof with a pitched, hipped roof. B. Formation, at attic level, of a rear dormer. C. Extension of the first floor area into the front balcony area. D. Construction of a single storey rear extension at ground floor level. E. The fitting of two roof lights in the existing front roof slope and one roof light in the proposed side roof slope. F. Contingent alterations to the main façade, including erection of an entrance canopy. G. The widening of the existing vehicular entrance and the fitting of gates. H. Ancillary contingent works.

Decision made
Decision made
The Observation period for this application expired on  21-Dec-2017