Application: 88, Trees Road Upper (D18A/0823)

Application Date: 29-Aug-2018
Planning Application Ref: D18A/0823
Registration Date: 18-Dec-2018
Application Type:Permission

Main Location:
88, Trees Road Upper, Mount Merrion, Blackrock, Co. Dublin

Permission is sought. The development will consist of (i) Demolition of existin

Full Description:
Permission is sought. The development will consist of (i) Demolition of existing two-storey detached residential dwelling; (ii) construction of 4 no. two storey, four bedroom semi-detached dwellings with single storey element to rear and 1 no. rooflight on front elevation; (iii) construction of two storey apartment block comprising 2 no. duplex three bedroom apartments (with 5 no. rooflights on front elevation) over 1 no. single storey three bedroom apartment situated at ground floor level; (iv) removal of existing vehicle entrance and provision of new vehicular entrance, provision of 14 no. on curtilage car parking spaces, shared surfaces, private gardens to each house and ground floor apartment and balconies to duplex apartments; and (v) all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development including SuDS surface water drainage, site works, landscaping, tree planting and boundary treatments.

The Observation period for this application expired on 02-Oct-2018.

Additional Information requested 19-Oct-2018, received 17-Dec-2018