Application: 65 South Avenue, Mount Merrion

65 South Avenue, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin
Permission for the demolition of the single storey extension and garden wall

Permission for the demolition of the single storey extension and garden wall to the side of the existing two storey semi-detached dwelling. The construction of a new two storey extension to the front, a new part single storey/part two storey extension to the side and rear. Conversion and enlargement of the existing attic including roof lights to the front and side, with dormer window to the rear. New entrance canopy to the front. Alterations to the existing windows and doors on both levels to the front and rear. New vehicular entrance gate off South Avenue including the removal of a tree on the grass verge to the front of the site. Increase in the height of the pillars to the existing vehicular entrance. New garden fence to the front garden. Associated site works.


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Note: Final date for Observations is  08-Feb-2018