When looking around Mount Merrion and particularly at current developments such as the one at the bottom of South Avenue where two houses are being constructed in the garden of an existing house and on Roebuck Avenue/Greygates where a house was demolished and is being replaced by 20 apartments it must be asked where is this leading? Residents of Mount Merrion are advised to go and look at what is happening on Roebuck Avenue. Twenty apartments are being constructed on a small site on a quiet cul de sac without any consideration for the homeowners who will have their privacy compromised and the traffic chaos which must ensue when at least another 30 cars must find parking where none currently exists.
With the current drive by DLR CC to increase housing density at all costs can we expect that every road in Mount Merrion will have a four storey block constructed on any corner or large site which comes on the market? Is this our future? Do we as the community have any say in the matter? What exactly is the role of our County Councillors in planning?
What is the point in having an elected local authority where Councillors are powerless and just provide a façade for democracy?
All this before looking at the proposed planned 80% increase in residential units on Deerpark and Wilson Roads? And on the horizon there is possibility of even more extensive developments being considered for Foster Avenue and Cherrygarth. Who will shout STOP before it’s too late?